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TreeBook: Tree Species Indigenous to Southern Africa,   indexed by Scientific name.

Please find below key attributes of the tree that you are looking for. To see these attributes for another tree species, click  either Tree List Wizard (Find tree by attributes) or Tree List by name (Find tree by its name).

Cassia abbreviata

Cassia abbreviata | Sjambok pod, Long-tail cassia | Sjambokpeul | Plant it in a small garden

Cassia abbreviata | Sjambok pod | Sjambokpeul | Yellow flowers in profusion followed by sjambok-like fruit. | Kruger National Park

Gardening ideas

Suitable for a small or even very small garden. Plant this tree for its bright yellow, showy flowers which are often born in profusion. Its sjambok-like pods remain on the tree for a long time, attracting seed eating birds. Sjambok pod's fresh-green spring leaves and flowers will add to the beauty and uniqueness of your garden.

Cassia abbreviata

Sjambok pod


  • .

It is mildly sensitive (min. temperature -0.5C)

  • It will grow in soil type:

well-drained, sandy

Small: 6m high; 4m crown

  • Mature size?

  • Plant in container?


  • It's leaf growth is


  • It's growth rate is


  • It's roots are


  • It's drought tolerance?

Drought tolerant

  • Sexes?

Bisexual flower on the same tree

  • Birds?

Seed eaters


  • Screening value?

  • Flowers?

showy flowers in profusion

  • Value to game?

browse leaves

More information? 




233 Fish Eagle Road, Leeuwfontein Estates, Pretoria

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